Welcome Friends,

On this site you will find information about the work I do, blog articles, updates about my Light Language workshops, the brand new 3D to 5D Activations Library, and much more. I hope the information you find on these pages will resonate with you and be useful and enlightening for your life’s journey. Blessings.

Each of us follows a unique path to connect with the Divine. There are as many paths to the Divine as souls inhabiting the Earth. Honoring your unique path is the first step to strengthen your Divine Con­nection.

Fully designed in partnership with the Divine, I’ve written a book called ‘MY DIVINE CONNECTION: FIFTY STEPS TO YOUR DIVINE FULFILLMENT ON EARTH’, a practical guide that will help you discover your unique way for connecting with the Divine.

Through a series of fifty steps, this book will take you on a vibrational jour­ney, from the more physical and tangible expressions of Divinity to the highest energy frequencies of Oneness. As you discover your own personal way to con­nect with the Divine, you become a more conscious spark of Light and conduit of Divine expression on Earth.

I invite you to join me on this Divine journey, a journey designed for everyone who wants to be a part of Humanity’s ascension into Love and Divine understanding.

Much Love, Diego.

NEW! Visit the new 3D to 5D ACTIVATIONS LIBRARY and find new Light Language transmission every month to assist you on your journey.

WE ARE ONE ♡ Diego E. Berman 2024 Ⓒ

My Divine Connection is probably the most pragmatic and actionable spirituality book I read.


This is a book of powerful questions with the capacity to open the reader to new insight and authentic connection with the Divine.


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