The 2024 Frequencies and the Human Skeletal System

Dear friends, the frequencies of this new year which started officially with the 1:1:8 portal, January 1 2024, harbor the signature vibrations of number 8 (2+0+2+4=8). These new incoming frequencies will be with us this whole year.

On this year, we are moving an octave higher in frequency, compared to the last few years, so it will take time for the planet and our bodies to adjust to this new vibrational level. For a more general description of the number 8 energies and the energetic themes for this year, please read the 2024 Timeline activation article. On this post, however, we will be focusing on a particular emotional and physical aspect of these number 8 frequencies: their upgrading effect on our human skeletal system.

When we encounter the vibrations of number 2024/8, it is a reminder from the universe that we are supported and guided in our earthly journey. Number 8 vibrates with light codes that encourage financial success, personal power, self-confidence, and practical wisdom. The frequencies of number 8 basically support the making of our Divine/Soul plans a reality on this physical realm we presently inhabit.

But this evolutionary process around the cosmos requires us to feel confident and make courageous choices and decisions in our journey. Number 8 promotes resilience, reminding us that we possess the inner strength to overcome difficulties, and transform challenges into growth opportunities. Along similar lines, the frequencies of number 8 foster self-discipline and personal power, enabling us to assert ourselves fearlessly, set boundaries, and make decisions that align with our highest good, or divine timelines.

The 2024/8 energies of the year will be asking us to stand strong, feel confident in our capacities, and move forward fearlessly. However, each of us may hold specific energetic and emotional barriers that could prevent us from achieving this forward movement. And one of the key systems in our bodies that can feel weakened and/or threatened by these emotional barriers is the skeletal system.

Beyond the facilitation of movement and the protection of our brain, heart, and other organs from injury, bones represent our deep spiritual infrastructure of belief systems. The skeletal system is, energetically speaking, mirroring how we feel about ourselves in our life journey, and how well supported we emotionally feel in order to move forward in life. The belief systems associated with fragile bones would then be mostly related to issues of low self-esteem, low self-confidence, fears of being alone and unsupported, resentment, fear of success, fear of failure, feelings of not ‘being enough’, and of not trusting the Universal Truth of being protected by God/Source.

Any emotional issues we may experience in our bones would thus prevent us from moving forward, therefore, blocking our evolution and growth throughout our journey. In time, if these emotional barriers are not processed and integrated, they may manifest as physical ailments within the skeletal system.

As we navigate these number 8 energies during 2024, our skeletal system will be particularly sensitive to these energies: we are being challenged by the number 8 frequencies to heal our belief systems related to our sense of empowerment and self-esteem. And it is these precise emotions the ones that directly affect our skeletal system. Those of you who are energy sensitives may already be experiencing some tension in your bones, jaw, back, arms, pelvis, legs, etc. The number 8 energies are stirring these emotional issues deep inside our energetic skeletal system for release and healing.

2024 will be a wonderful year to take care of any health issues related to our bones, teeth, tendons, and ligaments. You may want to develop a regular routine of mild exercise, schedule frequent visits to a chiropractor/osteopath, and make sure your diet supports health bones as well.

That said, we should also look deeper into our belief systems. The number 8 energies will stir and bring up to surface any old traumas and conflicts that may have affected our sense of self-confidence and self-esteem. Please be mindful of this process as we move deeper into the rest of the year.

It is for this reason that I was guided to create a new light language activation, see below, that will assist with the overall energetic strengthening of your skeletal system, tendons, and ligaments. This “2024 Skeletal System” activation will also unblock any emotional barriers that may be affecting your skeletal system, allowing you to feel more confident and supported in your life’s journey. These regenerative light codes will also assist in the healing of damaged bones by stimulating the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

The suggested listening frequency for this activation is in a block of three consecutive times, three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) if you are already experiencing some skeletal system issues. For prevention and general strengthening of your bones and emotional self-confidence, you may only listen to the activation three consecutive times just once a day. Please drink a glass of water after listening to each block of three times to facilitate the flow of energy within your bones.

As always, a great amount of the content in this 3D to 5D Activations library is free of charge, and I am trying to keep it this way. That said, if you find that listening to the activation creates beneficial and positive states within you, please consider contributing with a donation, no matter how big or small. Your ongoing support will help me keep this library running during 2024 and will allow me to create more high-frequency content to reach out and assist more people like you on their Earthly journey. Please visit my donations page if you feel guided to support this work.

Here’s the activation:

2024/8 vibrations and the human skeletal system

You may experience some physical and/or emotional sensations/releases as you listen to this activation in different areas of your body and bones. Simply observe them, breath deeply, and let them go. You may want to write down any insights after each listening. If this is the first time you are working with this type of vibrational activations, I suggest you begin this journey by working with the activations in Level I of the 3D to 5D Library and then listen to this transmission.

I hope you find this “2024 Skeletal System Activation” useful throughout the year. Feel free to share your experiences in the comments section below. I wish you a wonderful year filled with forward movement, an increased sense of self-love, self-confidence, and a strengthened inner spiritual support that will lead you to your best possible timeline. May these number 8 frequencies carry you into the expression of your highest Divine and Human potential.

Much love, Diego.

WE ARE ONE ♡ Diego E. Berman 2024 Ⓒ

Please visit my donations page if you feel guided to support this work. Thank You!

18 thoughts on “The 2024 Frequencies and the Human Skeletal System”

  1. Thank you so much Diego!! I felt an almost instantaneous healing with this transmission ~ truly an amazing feeling. You are wonderful ~ I love you.

  2. Thank you so much for this Diego. Very strong energy from this transmission. Yesterday I felt it in my spine, today I felt energy surrounding my entire body. Many thanks, love and blessings to you.

  3. Thank Heaven! Felt my energy shifting and moving. Feeling much better. Especially digestion and left head and whole upper back. Bless you for offering this beautiful work.

  4. I am so grateful to you and for all you had to do to open yourself to these beautiful galactic energies to share with humanity. I have had scoliosis since I was a child and have dealt with those challenges throughout my life. On Dec 9 and 10, 2023 I had two accidents which exacerbated these issues and resulted in a fracture in one of my vertebrae, resulting in severe pain since then. Since then I have not been able to stand up straight, and cannot lie in bed to sleep. It has been clear to me all along these accidents were a blessing and were giving me the opportunity to clear emotional issues lodged in my body. As I listen to this light language I can “see” the bones of my body filling with light. My body moves and jerks, and emotional energy comes up to leave. I am so grateful to you and your spiritual guides, and am now filled with confidence I will be healing and clearing all that I need to. Blessings to you. Martha Sears Austin, Texas USA

    1. Dear Martha, thank you so much for sharing your story! Let the Light fill and lift your bones for a deeper healing process. Much love and infinite blessings. Diego.

  5. Within a couple of seconds of hearing your voice I experienced strong sensations in my right hand and wrist. Soon afterwards I felt the need to open the hand and push it into the mattress I was sitting on.

    Three years ago I was literally crippled with arthritis. All has healed (naturally) apart from my right hand.
    I will definitely listen to this recording x 3, three times a day. Thank you so much for these powerful activations.🙏

  6. Many thanks and blessings of joy. The light release of my sinus opening to a fuller more breath energy inhalation released stresses and tensions I have been harboring much to long. Truly a gift to the start of a new week and positive step toward a more positive self esteem of confidence and healthier skeletal structure.

  7. Dear Diego as I am knocked down in my bed due to lower back injury I listened your activation for the skeletal system. I felt some tingling in my back bones and felt a new strength filling it. I love the frequency you sent. I will listen 3x to make even more progress. Thank you sincerely for your gift you sharing with humanity. Best Regards.

  8. HI Diego and Thank you for your beautyful transmission.
    The first time I listen to the chant I felt myself rejoicing “Yes I am a traveler, a child of the stars, the Suns.”
    Every time I return to the recording, I have this smile that travel through the vertebras, so it seems, and I feel grounded in a renewed way.
    With much gratitude and apprecition for this gift.
    Andrée from Québec

  9. Olá Diego.
    A primeira vez que ouvi parece que um zíper abriu no meu corpo e eu sai de lá de dentro, vi do alto, aquela capa com o zíper se queimando. Depois disso me vi na cama novamente renovada.
    E ouvindo pela segunda vez, vi um portal dourado, entrei nele e cresci muito, parecia que eu era maior que árvores.
    Depois, apesar de estar sentada, meu corpo dançou, meus braços se movimentaram num ritmo suave e todo meu corpo acompanhou.
    Gratidão 🌷

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