Welcome! This 3D to 5D Activations Library has been created for everyone who wants to further assist their process of 3D to 5D evolution. Here you will find Light Language transmissions that I download from higher planes of consciousness/existence. You will notice that the transmissions are relatively short, but deep. The type of codes embed in these transmissions are all aligned with the high frequencies of Divine Light.

These activations are tools that are being offered at this time of human evolution to assist us individually and collectively to move beyond our comfort zones and reach a more loving, compassionate, and Unified state of being.

For more background information on Light Language, you may want to read my blog articles “How to Ignite Your Light Language Spark”, “Navigating the 3D to 5D metamorphosis with Light Language”, and “The Creative and Transformative Power of Sound and Light Language” before using this Activations Library.

You may want to bookmark this page for faster daily access to the activations. I will be frequently adding new content to this library, and notifications will be published in my blog page. You can also subscribe for free and get new content email notifications directly to your inbox.

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The use of this 3D to 5D Activations library is free of charge, and I will try to keep it this way. That said, if you find that listening to the activations create beneficial and positive states within you, please consider contributing with a donation, no matter how big or small. Your support will help keep this library running and will allow me to create more high-frequency content to reach out and assist more people like you on their Earthly journey. Blessings, Diego.

Thank you for your support!

You may change the donation amount by adjusting the number of items in the little box below.


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Thank YOU for your ongoing support!

This library will take you on an ascending vibrational journey. This journey, so far, is divided into three different levels.

Start your journey on LEVEL I: BASIC ALIGNMENTS. These foundational transmissions will create a solid alignment in all of your energetic fields. It is the basis for a deeper energetic work.

Once you have completed listening to the activations in LEVEL I, you can move up in the frequency scale to LEVEL II: EMOTIONAL INTEGRATION. Here, we are moving deeper into your emotional fields. These transmissions will create a coherent wave of self-love and compassion within your systems.

After completing the work in Level II, you can then continue to the transmissions in LEVEL III: GALACTIC ACTIVATIONS, which hold very high frequency light codes. This level will take you on a self-discovery and exploratory journey into your galactic heritage. Here we are moving from self-love into universal love.

The extra LEVEL IV: AWAKENING YOUR LIGHT LANGUAGE is designed for those of you who want to further explore the wonders of Light Language, and ignite your own Light Language skills. The activations in this new level will guide you, step by step, into the process of awakening your ability to transmit the frequencies of Light. This Level will be your Masterclass to Light Language. NEW!

The PERENNIAL ACTIVATIONS section of the Library features a collection of very helpful activations that can be used throughout the year for different purposes. This section includes:

Awaken Your Hidden Potential
Energetic Cord Cutting
Daily Cellular Regeneration
Immune System Support
Nervous System Overload / Electromagnetic Protection
Abundance and Prosperity
Hope and Inner Peace
New Moon and Full Moon activations

Trinity Codes activation, and others.

On this page, you will find a “SPECIAL ACTIVATIONS” section, which will feature activations for everyone to use, independent of the rest of the library. These special activations will focus on specific current issues, such as the new 2024 timeline activation, solar storms, and world events (please see below).


Enjoy the activations and I wish you a wonderful 3D to 5D journey. Blessings! Diego.

WE ARE ONE ♡ Diego E. Berman 2024 Ⓒ

General instructions:

  1. Listen to the activations in a comfortable place, free of interruptions, with your eyes closed. The use of headphones is recommended.
  2. Do not listen while engaged in other activities that require your full attention.
  3. Keep a journal next to you in case you need to write down any insights that may come into your awareness after using the activations.
  4. Listen to your body, some activations may trigger deep changes within your systems, so use accordingly and as instructed in each activation panel.
  5. Allow yourself to be fully immersed in the activations, try to quiet your mind, and simply absorb the light codes. Follow the listening instructions for each activation as stated.

WE ARE ONE ♡ Diego E. Berman 2024 Ⓒ


The following three activations are useful for assisting our energy fields to process new incoming high-frequency information. They can be used for any energetically intense period/portal in which new light codes are being received (e.g. solar storms, 11:11 portal, eclipses, and/or other unexpected energy situations that require extra assistance for a 3D to 5D forward movement).

-The first transmission will relax tension within your energy fields so that the incoming light codes will find less resistance and therefore smooth the absorption process by your body.
-The second transmission will facilitate the removal of old stagnant energy patterns within your systems, so that your body can adapt easier to the vibrational transition.
-And the third transmission will act as a facilitator of the integration and expression process of the new information within your body and mind fields.

Listening frequency: Listen to the complete set of three transmissions in that specific order, 3 to 5 times a day. If you are new to Light Language start by listening the set only once a day. Drink a glass of water after each time you listen to the activations to facilitate the flow of information.



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18 responses to “THE 3D to 5D ACTIVATIONS LIBRARY”

  1. Janice Avatar

    Your light activations are so amazing. Thank you so much for the wonderful work you are doing. You are a true Blessing for us All.
    One love.

    1. DIEGO BERMAN Avatar

      Thank you for your kind words Janice! I truly appreciate them. And I’m happy to hear the activations are being useful. Much love ❤️

      1. Caroline Bonnet Avatar
        Caroline Bonnet

        Gracias Diego ☀️💕😇

  2. Yesmina Bouzaiani Avatar
    Yesmina Bouzaiani

    Do the activations also work when you are sleeping? Warm regards

    1. DIEGO BERMAN Avatar

      Yes, they also work when you are sleeping, but I suggest working with them when you are awake. It’s easier to receive insights from the light codes when your mind is fully engaged in the process. Blessings!

  3. Marguerite Avatar

    I listened to the full moon activation and it was amazing. Thank you! I am a little puzzled by what happened the first time I was listening though. About halfway through the music change to very upbeat music, including symbols and drums and this is where I felt the most especially in my head area. But when I listen to it the second and third time, this part was not in there? What happened here? Was this some sort of unusual glitch or was it meant to be only in the first listening that this upbeat version kicked in?

    1. DIEGO BERMAN Avatar

      Thank you for sharing your experience! I can assure you there are no drums or upbeat music in the full moon activation, so most likely a deep memory was awaken by the light codes of the transmission. Write it down in a journal. You may not understand their meaning now but eventually it will come. 🙏🏻

  4. Ana Pacic Avatar
    Ana Pacic

    Dear Diego, listening to your activations, I felt like a newborn child first time hearing the voice of my loving mother. The words I could not understand, but I could very much feel the vibration of love my mother felt first time she took me in her arms. I feel blessed and humbled beyond belief to be albe to experience the frequency of your activations at this point in my life. I feel like Peter Pan when he realised he can fly. All Saints are within you and speak through you. Shine on you beautiful alien human.

    1. DIEGO BERMAN Avatar

      Dear Ana, thank you so much for sharing your experience with the activations! You are truly remembering your essence and origins. May you continue flying like Peter Pan into new horizons of your heart. Blessings. 🙏🏻💖

  5. Elizaveta McCasland Avatar
    Elizaveta McCasland

    Dear Diego, thank you for your powerful activations. The energies of these months feel intense and heavy, and your light language activations make me feel lighter and calmer, they bring sense of hope. It’s like a cloud is lifting. Thank you! Continue with your amazing work!

  6.  Avatar

    Beautiful in all aspects🙏💙💫

  7.  Avatar


  8.  Avatar

    Me quero muito felice por essas assombrosas informaciones. Sou muito grata.

  9.  Avatar

    Grazie infinite per quello che ci doni!!! un abbraccio,

  10.  Avatar

    Eternally grateful for you and the love ❤️😘🎶🍀👣🐳🎁🍉🦋😇🙏🤟🕊️☀️🌍🐎🌈🌈🐬🐬🐬

  11.  Avatar

    Lieber Diego, Herzensdank❤️🙏❤️ für deine sooo WUNDERvolle Unterstützung und Hilfe 🙏🙏🙏 deine Lichtsprachenaktievierung sind ein großer Segen 🙏💖🙏

  12.  Avatar

    As I just began my journey with you today, I give you Eternal and Infinite Gratitude. Your sounds and vibrations have found their way to me after, an extremely difficult transition energetically & physically with this last full moon and Virgo, on this 27th day of February 2024. Your words that you write on this page are mirror images of stuff that I have been journaling of late. Though I had no previous trainings in such things. Blessings and light to you and yours. Kimberly 💞

  13.  Avatar

    Thank you so much for your gift of healing 💫 really enjoying using your activations. Thank you thank you thank you 💫

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Disclaimer: The information on this website and any information imparted by Diego E. Berman (hereinafter referred to as ‘the author’) in spoken or written form of any kind including digital/electronic media, and/or on live or recorded shows and/or radio and television interviews, is not intended or implied as a substitute for medical advice, nor to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or malady whether physical, emotional, or psychological.

Neither is it intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional. Rather, it is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information based entirely on the research and personal experience and opinion of the author, and information and energy transmitted through the author by spirit and non-physical entities. You may or may not experience anything from the author’s sessions or energy work or products.

Please consult a medical professional if you are experiencing illness, depression, anxiety, mood swings or any concerns whatsoever. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with relevant qualified health care professionals.

18 thoughts on “THE 3D to 5D ACTIVATIONS LIBRARY”

  1. Your light activations are so amazing. Thank you so much for the wonderful work you are doing. You are a true Blessing for us All.
    One love.

    1. Yes, they also work when you are sleeping, but I suggest working with them when you are awake. It’s easier to receive insights from the light codes when your mind is fully engaged in the process. Blessings!

  2. I listened to the full moon activation and it was amazing. Thank you! I am a little puzzled by what happened the first time I was listening though. About halfway through the music change to very upbeat music, including symbols and drums and this is where I felt the most especially in my head area. But when I listen to it the second and third time, this part was not in there? What happened here? Was this some sort of unusual glitch or was it meant to be only in the first listening that this upbeat version kicked in?

    1. Thank you for sharing your experience! I can assure you there are no drums or upbeat music in the full moon activation, so most likely a deep memory was awaken by the light codes of the transmission. Write it down in a journal. You may not understand their meaning now but eventually it will come. 🙏🏻

  3. Dear Diego, listening to your activations, I felt like a newborn child first time hearing the voice of my loving mother. The words I could not understand, but I could very much feel the vibration of love my mother felt first time she took me in her arms. I feel blessed and humbled beyond belief to be albe to experience the frequency of your activations at this point in my life. I feel like Peter Pan when he realised he can fly. All Saints are within you and speak through you. Shine on you beautiful alien human.

    1. Dear Ana, thank you so much for sharing your experience with the activations! You are truly remembering your essence and origins. May you continue flying like Peter Pan into new horizons of your heart. Blessings. 🙏🏻💖

  4. Dear Diego, thank you for your powerful activations. The energies of these months feel intense and heavy, and your light language activations make me feel lighter and calmer, they bring sense of hope. It’s like a cloud is lifting. Thank you! Continue with your amazing work!

  5. Eternally grateful for you and the love ❤️😘🎶🍀👣🐳🎁🍉🦋😇🙏🤟🕊️☀️🌍🐎🌈🌈🐬🐬🐬

  6. Lieber Diego, Herzensdank❤️🙏❤️ für deine sooo WUNDERvolle Unterstützung und Hilfe 🙏🙏🙏 deine Lichtsprachenaktievierung sind ein großer Segen 🙏💖🙏

  7. As I just began my journey with you today, I give you Eternal and Infinite Gratitude. Your sounds and vibrations have found their way to me after, an extremely difficult transition energetically & physically with this last full moon and Virgo, on this 27th day of February 2024. Your words that you write on this page are mirror images of stuff that I have been journaling of late. Though I had no previous trainings in such things. Blessings and light to you and yours. Kimberly 💞

  8. Thank you so much for your gift of healing 💫 really enjoying using your activations. Thank you thank you thank you 💫

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