If you are new to this activations library, you may want to first read my blog articles “How to Ignite Your Light Language Spark” and “Navigating the 3D to 5D metamorphosis with Light Language” for some background information on Light Language.

You may listen to the activations on this Level III without having gone through Levels I and II, (although I do recommend taking the whole ascending vibrational journey starting with Level I for a more comprehensive and deeper inner work).

The frequencies contained in the activations of this LEVEL III resonate with the high frequencies of interstellar and Divine groups of consciousness. These activations contain frequencies that will awaken your own galactic memories and assist you in comprehending your place in the cosmos. Here, we are working at a much deeper soul and DNA level compared to LEVEL II. We are moving from self-love to universal love.

The light codes you will be listening to in this Level all originate from higher planes of existence. Some activations, as you will see, come from specific groups of consciousness, such as the Arcturians, while others come from different galactic civilizations. All of the light codes embedded in these activations are aligned with Beings of Light who are assisting humanity at this moment of our planetary journey. It is my hope that these activations will guide your exploratory and awakening journey into your own experiences with your galactic families.

The activations and themes you will find within this Level of the Library are:

ARCTURIAN BLESSING: This transmission acts as a welcoming prayer, as a protection, and a reconnection between your own energy and soul fields with the energies of the cosmos, as you initiate this journey into your galactic heritage.

REMOVING FEARS FOR INTERDIMENSIONAL CONTACT: This activation will facilitate the remembering process by lifting any recent and old fears that may be acting as barriers in your inter dimensional communication process. This transmission will also assist in opening your heart chakra for reconnection and heart-based communication.

STARSEED DNA ACTIVATION: This activation will specifically awaken those starseed DNA sequences within you. This transmission will act like a switch, it will start turning on, step by step, the information laying dormant within you.

GALACTIC HERITAGE: This activation will connect you with your closest galactic family, or the one you need to connect with at this moment to move forward in your evolutionary journey.

DIVINE LIGHT CONSCIOUSNESS: This very high frequency activation will create a direct conduit within your energy fields to this Divine consciousness. In other words, we are awakening the Divine aspects within yourself. The objective of this transmission is to help you remember that Divine Light is part of who you are but also of all the other galactic beings that are part of our galactic ancestry.

Listen to the activations in the order they are presented, and please follow the listening instructions for each of them.

Welcome to your Galactic presence.

The use of this LEVEL III of the 3D to 5D Activations library is free of charge, and I will try to keep it this way. That said, if you find that listening to the activations create beneficial and positive states within you, please consider contributing with a suggested donation of $35 for Level III. All contributions, no matter how big or small, will help keep this library running and allow to me create more high-frequency content to reach out and assist more people like you in their Earthly journey. Blessings! Diego.

Thank you for your support, and thank you for immersing yourself in this galactic reconnection work. By doing this, you are not only assisting yourself in your personal journey of self-discovery but you are also contributing to our planetary and human awakening.

Enjoy reconnecting with your galactic heritage. You can subscribe to this Level III below.

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Enjoy the transmissions and I wish you a wonderful 3D to 5D journey.

Blessings! Diego.

WE ARE ONE ♡ Diego E. Berman 2024 Ⓒ


First of all, thank you for being here and for committing to exploring a deeper and amazing aspect of your being: your galactic heritage.

This Level will take you on a journey, and most likely you will be a different person after working with these activations. Well, not a different person, but a more integrated, conscious, and awakened one. In each of the activations you will find information that might be new to you, or perhaps that you’ve heard before somewhere else. However, everything that I am sharing here with you is part of my own personal experience during a more than a decade long journey. Only recently, also through a process of deep inner work, I have begun to open up and talk about these inter dimensional contacts I have had during the last ten years. The light codes you will be listening to in this Level all originate from higher planes of existence. Some activations, as you will see, come from specific groups of consciousness, such as the Arcturians, while others come from other galactic civilizations. All of the light codes embedded in these activations are aligned with Beings of Light who are assisting humanity at this moment of our planetary journey. It is my hope that these activations will guide your exploratory and awakening journey into your own experiences with your galactic families.

Please listen to the activations in the order they are presented below, and follow the following general instructions:

1. Listen to the activations in a comfortable place, free of interruptions, with your eyes closed. The use of headphones is recommended.
2. Do not listen while engaged in other activities that require your full attention.
3. Keep a journal next to you in case you need to write down any insights that may come into your awareness after using the activations.
4. Listen to your body, some activations may trigger deep changes within your systems, so use accordingly and as instructed in each activation panel. 
5. Allow yourself to be fully immersed in the activations, try to quiet your mind, and simply absorb the light codes. Follow the listening instructions for each activation as stated.

Once you have finished working with all the transmissions, you may take a break of a few weeks and then return for another round of listening, or you may want to choose a couple of activations to deepen your work on a specific topic. Always follow the listening instructions for each activation.

Our galactic past, like our present human journey, contains both joyful and challenging situations/memories. If listening to these activations awaken certain challenging memories, you can always take a break of one or two days to let the new information settle in, and then come back to the activations. You can also use the activations in Levels I and II to rebalance yourself and come back to your center.

I wish you an amazing journey into your renewed galactic awareness. Be blessed.



We begin this Level by being acknowledged and protected by the highly evolved Arcturian group of consciousness. The Arcturians are beings of Light that exist in a very high vibrational density. Some people see them as residing in the 8D or 9D planes. The key aspect to the Arcturian energy is their balanced and integrated sense of polarity, they hold within themselves an almost perfect equilibrium of male and female energies, and the wisdom of the Divine. The energy of this civilization is indeed one of the closest energy to Source or Christ consciousness. Arcturians have alway been interested, and involved, in human evolution. This transmission acts as a welcoming prayer, as a protection, and a reconnection between your own energy and soul fields with the energies of the cosmos, as you initiate this journey into your galactic heritage.

Listening frequency: Three consecutive times, once a day. After listening, you may continue to the next activation. This Arcturian blessing can be listened as much as needed, specially when wanting to center yourself and meditate on your own cosmic nature.


This activation will work on present and past lives fears related to your Earthly and Galactic past. Many of us have undergone deep trauma and emotional conflicts in our ancient soul history. All these fearful memories eventually pushed us away from reconnecting with our galactic ancestors. In fact, many of our human issues related to abandonment, submission, skepticism, and rejection stem from ancient core galactic unresolved memories. As Earth moves into higher frequencies on this cosmic journey, our human consciousness also goes through a process of remembering and lifting our inner veils. If you are here reading and working with these transmissions, it means you are ready to remember and to go deeper into your own emotional issues. This activation will facilitate the remembering process by lifting any recent and old fears that may be acting as barriers in your inter dimensional communication process. This transmission will also assist in opening your heart chakra for reconnection and heart-based communication.

Listening frequency: Three consecutive times, once or twice a day, during a minimum of three days before switching to the next activations.


Now that you are ready to remember and reconnect, we will begin working at a much deeper level and with higher frequencies: we are moving into the subatomic level within your cells. Our DNA, the genetic material found within each of our cells, not only carries information for the making of our physical body, it also contains within it specific sequences of information that reside dormant in most humans. These special stretches of DNA carry remnants of ancient memories from our galactic past. We all carry different amounts of this “starseed” DNA in our cells, but we all carry them to some extent. As humanity begins to remember its true Divine and galactic nature, these sequences come “on line”. This activation will specifically awaken those starseed DNA sequences within you. This transmission will act like a switch, it will start turning on, step by step, the information laying dormant within you. No worries, it will not alter your DNA! We are just awakening dormant information within it.

Listening frequency: Three consecutive times, once a day, for five consecutive days. Drink some water after listening to this activation to assist the flow of information. Only after working with this activation for five days you may continue to the next. This activation works by layers, meaning each time you listen to it (for five days), it will work on the first layer of memories. If you want, and feel guided, you can come back to this activation once a month to continue working on deeper DNA layers.


If you are have arrived here, most probably part of you is already remembering, or resonating, with the aspects of your soul that reside in higher dimensional levels. We are multidimensional beings, but our current Earthly journey keeps us focused and anchored on 3D life, and that is ok up to a point. As we evolve, however, we need to begin to integrate all aspects of who we are into this physical matrix/universe. Doing this work means integrating our shadow and our light, achieving a state of balanced polarity. One aspect that needs to be integrated during this process is our galactic past. Your soul has been around for a long time… and not only on Earth. This activation will connect you with your closest galactic family, or the one you need to connect with at this moment to move forward in your evolutionary journey. Please keep a journal next to you to write down any images or insights you may receive, no matter how strange they may be. You will be reconnecting with your cosmic family. There are countless groups and civilizations that have played key roles in our human past. Try to let go of pre-conceptions as you listen to this transmission, allow your soul memories to show you…

Listening frequency: once or twice a day, three consecutive times, for three to five days. Drink some water after listening to this activation to assist the flow of information. This activation may elicit vivid dreams during the following days. Do not worry if you do not receive any clear messages the first few times you listen, the frequencies will be working deeply and subtly. Eventually, recollection or synchronicities will find their way to you.


All beings in the Universe are fractals of one creative energy Source, you may call it God, Creator, Divinity, Love, Light, etc. We are all drops of this vast Divine ocean that spans unimaginable distances, dimensions, and densities. This Source force is omnipresent and everlasting. In the same way that this Divine Light is part of who you are, it is also part of all other galactic groups of consciousness. Here we are not talking about positive or negative agendas, we are moving beyond that polarized perspective. We are talking about the core Divine aspect within each God-created consciousness/being. This very high frequency activation will create a direct conduit within your energy fields to this Divine consciousness. In other words, we are awakening the Divine aspects within yourself. The objective of this transmission is to help you remember that Divine Light is part of who you are but also of all the other galactic beings that are part of our galactic ancestry. We are activating and awakening the common energetic denominator that connects you with all other galactic beings aligned with the Light: Universal Love.

Listening frequency: Once a day, three consecutive times, for three to five days. Drink plenty of water after listening. If you feel these light codes are too intense, simply pause for a couple of days and then return to the activation. Listen to your body. This activation will also enhance the contact with your galactic family.

WE ARE ONE ♡ Diego E. Berman 2024 Ⓒ

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Disclaimer: The information on this website and any information imparted by Diego E. Berman (hereinafter referred to as ‘the author’) in spoken or written form of any kind including digital/electronic media, and/or on live or recorded shows and/or radio and television interviews, is not intended or implied as a substitute for medical advice, nor to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or malady whether physical, emotional, or psychological.

Neither is it intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional. Rather, it is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information based entirely on the research and personal experience and opinion of the author, and information and energy transmitted through the author by spirit and non-physical entities. You may or may not experience anything from the author’s sessions or energy work or products.

Please consult a medical professional if you are experiencing illness, depression, anxiety, mood swings or any concerns whatsoever. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with relevant qualified health care professionals.


  1. I really enjoy the galactic light language series. I too speak light language although quite shy about it. I have listened to light language meditations and upgrades over the years. The galactic ones are special, even though they are just about 4 minutes long. I know my soul is gone for much much longer. It is difficult to explain in those 4 minutes I travel so far and long in infinite vastness. It’s quite amazing. I could just imagine what it would be if the recording was on a loop so has not to have to press play twice to get in your 3X.

    Thank you 🙏

    1. Thank you for sharing your experience! And although the activations are short, their effect is deep and long lasting. It is not just about the time you listen to them, the light codes embedded in them will continue resonating in your fields deeply. Please remember to follow the listening instructions for each of them. Enjoy your galactic reconnections! Much love. ✨💖

  2. Thank you Diego for making these Activations available.
    I’m doing the Galactic ones now and I do notice the deep level they are working on. I sometimes feel a little lightheaded or dizzy afterwards.
    I’m looking forward to feeling less ‘discombobulated’ with my journey from 3D to 5D, and I know that these activations are helping. 💜🌸

    1. Thank you for sharing your journey! Indeed, the activations on this level are quite deep. Take a break from listening if your body needs some extra time adjusting, no need to rush. Much love ❤️

  3. Muito valiosa a experiência de re-conexão imediata e a linguagem de luz muito familiar e reconhecida pelas células!

    Gratidão pelo seu lindo serviço!

  4. I have completed Level 1, 2 and started on 3. I’ve also tried some perennial activation’s on occasion. I did the Galactic Arcturian Blessing today and WHOA!!! I can’t tell you the comfort and love I felt! I’ve been doing lots of healing work the past 10 years from others and this was Ah-mazing. Thank you for the work you do and share with us. Blessings, Gratitude, Light, and Love, Kim

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