This section of the library features a collection of Light Language activations that can be used all around the year for different situations/purposes. The word “perennial” refers to something that is enduring, perpetual, and everlasting.

Here’s a list of the activations you will find in this section so far:

AWAKEN YOUR HIDDEN POTENTIAL: We come into this earthly journey with a vast amount of information that resides within the depths of our soul and DNA. However, our life experiences through the years shape and condition our behaviors, belief systems, and self-expectations. Only a small fraction of our multidimensional being ends up expressing itself in this lifetime. This activation will awaken the dormant memories that you need to remember at this point in your life, and unlock skills and interests that can motivate you to explore new aspects and potentials of your Self.

ENERGETIC CORD CUTTING: As we move through our life’s journey, we create energetic connections with almost everyone we come across. Some of these connections are nourishing and bring us happiness and joy, while others create energetic dynamics that drain our vital energy and generate co-dependency issues. This energetic cord cutting activation contains very high angelic frequency codes that will sever all the negative cords that you need to release at the present moment in order to move forward more freely.

DAILY CELLULAR REGENERATION: This activation will restore energy production within the cells of your whole body, as well as align their frequency for optimizing their specific tissue functions. This activation can be used daily, as part of your morning or evening routine, or during a meditation session.

IMMUNE SYSTEM SUPPORT: Emotional stress, as well as toxic environmental stress, both contribute to the weakening of our immune function. This transmission will create a stronger energetic foundation for the immune system to work efficiently.

NERVOUS SYSTEM OVERLOAD / ELECTROMAGNETIC PROTECTION: This activation is useful for when our nervous system feels overloaded by the amount of incoming new information during solar storms, energy gateways, and other electromagnetic sources (such a 5G radiation).

GRATITUDE, ABUNDANCE, AND PROSPERITY ACTIVATION: This activation will attune your mind and emotional fields to this basic sense of gratefulness, and will open up any limiting beliefs you may have around prosperity and allowing yourself to receive positive and nourishing gifts.

HOPE AND INNER PEACE ACTIVATION: This “all purpose” activation infuses your energy fields with a sense of hope and peace. In these times of uncertainty, our ego personality feels threatened and tension/anxiety arises daily. These light codes will help you to come back to your center, and remind you that in the universal scheme of things, all is well.

: This light language transmission will attune your emotional energy fields to the full moon energies on the days before, during, and after the full moon event. It will assist you with the processing, release, and closure of emotional issues that may require some extra help.

: This activation will assist you with relaxation, setting new intentions, and gaining clarity for the next 28 days after the new moon. It will align your mental fields to higher new timelines for co-creation.



This section will be continually updated, and new activations not found in other levels of the library, will be added here.

The use of this Perennial Activations level of the 3D to 5D Activations library is free of charge, and I will try to keep it this way. That said, if you find that listening to the activations create beneficial and positive states within you, please consider contributing with a suggested donation of $30 for this Level. All contributions, no matter how big or small, will help keep this library running and allow to me create more high-frequency content to reach out and assist more people like you in their Earthly journey. Blessings! Diego.

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Enjoy the transmissions and I wish you a wonderful 3D to 5D journey.

Blessings! Diego.

WE ARE ONE ♡ Diego E. Berman 2024 Ⓒ

General instructions:

  1. Listen to the activations in a comfortable place, free of interruptions, with your eyes closed. The use of headphones is recommended.
  2. Do not listen while engaged in other activities that require your full attention.
  3. Keep a journal next to you in case you need to write down any insights that may come into your awareness after using the activations.
  4. Listen to your body, some activations may trigger deep changes within your systems, so use accordingly and as instructed in each activation panel. 
  5. Allow yourself to be fully immersed in the activations, try to quiet your mind, and simply absorb the light codes. Follow the listening instructions for each activation as stated. 


We come into this earthly journey with a vast amount of information that resides within the depths of our soul and DNA. However, our life experiences through the years shape and condition our behaviors, belief systems, and self-expectations. Only a small fraction of our multidimensional being ends up expressing itself in this lifetime. Humanity is now moving into an age of inner enlightenment and the full expression of our hidden potentials. This activation will awaken the dormant memories that you need to remember at this point in your life, and unlock skills and interests that can motivate you to explore new aspects of yourself. Everyone’s journey is different, but the light codes embedded in this activation will work at the individual soul level. As you work with this activation for a few days and limiting beliefs begin to fade, you will begin to retrieve knowledge that will contribute to your future timelines. You may develop new interests, or new skills, that will allow you to express yourself in different new ways. Allow yourself to awaken more of your true Self.

Listening frequency: Three to five consecutive times, once a day, for as many days as needed. You may start listening to the activation for 7 consecutive days, and then rest for another week before resuming. Drink some water after listening to facilitate the flow of the new information.


As we move through our life’s journey, we create energetic connections with almost everyone we come across. Some of these connections are short lived, while others may last a lifetime. Some of these connections are nourishing and bring us happiness and joy, while others create energetic dynamics that drain our vital energy and generate co-dependency issues. These low frequency energetic attachments keep us anchored to the past and prevent us from moving forward in our evolutionary journey. And although we may be consciously aware of some of these energetic cords, a lot of them remain silent and hidden from view. These energetic attachments bind you to people, ideas, and material things. Your energy actively shifts every time you experience an emotion related to these energetic bonds, and part of you is taken back to the moment in which these cords were created. For this reason, it is always a good idea to cut our energy cords frequently. You can do this daily, weekly, or monthly. These cords can be attached to different parts of you body: the head, throat, heart and chest, solar plexus, and lower abdomen and sexual organs, depending on the type of connection you have with the other end of the cord. This cord cutting activation contains very high angelic frequency codes that will sever all the negative cords that you need to release at the present moment in order to move forward more freely. Do not worry, positive nourishing cords will remain in place. As you listen to this activation you may feel some sensations in certain areas of your body, or images of people’s faces may come into your awareness as you work with these light codes. You can also begin the activation with the intention of cutting a specific cord you already know you have with a particular person or emotional issue. It is a good idea to take a purifying bath, or shower, after you do this process.

Listening frequency: Listen to this activation three consecutive times, once a day. You can do this daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on how many cords you want to cut. I suggest your cut one particular cord per day (for example, today you work on your ex-partner, tomorrow your parents, and so on). Drink some water after listening each day, or take a salt bath/shower afterwards. You should feel lighter and invigorated after working with this activation. There could be some emotions coming up to surface as you listen, this is normal, simply observe them, breath deeply, and let them go. Blessings.


In the same way that our cells require daily nutrients from foods, each cell of our body requires the proper energy and information to do its job. This activation will restore energy production within the cells of your whole body, as well as align their frequency for optimizing their specific functions. This activation can be used daily, as part of your morning or evening routine, or during a meditation session. It works great together with the “Supporting Physical Integrity” transmission in Level I.

Listening frequency: three times a day, morning or evening, or both if your energy feels low or are undergoing some physical challenge. Drink some after after listening to facilitate the flow of information into your cells.


Our immune system is one of the main energetic barriers that keeps us protected during our Earthly journey in physical form. Emotional stress, as well as toxic environmental stress, both contribute to the weakening of our immune function. This transmission will create a stronger energetic foundation for the immune system to work efficiently. It can be used before and after any type of vaccination to reduce secondary effects on the energetic and physical fields. It will also support your immune system by helping protect you energetically against toxic invaders such as parasites, viruses, and bacteria.

Listening frequency: Three days before and after a vaccination, or listen during an episode of infections (such as cold, flu, etc). Listen three consecutive times, once or twice a day. Drink plenty of water after listening to assist with the flow of the new information.


This activation is useful for when our nervous system feels overloaded by the amount of incoming new information during solar storms, energy gateways, and other electromagnetic sources (such a 5G radiation). Listening to this transmission will soothe neuronal activity and create an energetic bridge so that both brain hemispheres can work in unison. It is also a powerful transmission to use when we feel emotionally challenged by every day life stress and uncertainty.

Listening frequency: Three consecutive times, three times a day, or until a sense of calm and balance is achieved. Drink some water after listening to assist with the flow of information within your nervous system.


We live in an abundant Universe. Our soul’s journey on Earth is meant to provide us with all the material and non-material needs we require to express ourselves on this plane. However, reaching a place of abundance and prosperity requires a particular inner frequency. Sometimes our belief systems can get in the way and prevent us from focusing on this vibration. But the basic emotional frequency for abundance and prosperity is gratitude. Being grateful for what we already have in the now is the key to open future abundance. This activation will attune your mind and emotional fields to this basic sense of gratefulness, and will open up any limiting beliefs you may have around prosperity and allowing yourself to receive positive and nourishing gifts.

Listening frequency: Three consecutive times, once a day, as long as needed. Drink some water after listening to the activation to facilitate the flow of information.


This “all purpose” activation infuses your energy fields with a sense of hope and peace. In these times of uncertainty, our ego personality feels threatened and tension/anxiety arises daily. These light codes will help you to come back to your center, and remind you that in the universal scheme of things, all is well.

Listening frequency: As much as needed, three times in a row, specially when undergoing personal changes during your 3D to 5D journey. Drink a glass of water after listening to the activation to facilitate the flow of information.



In astronomical terms, a Full Moon occurs when the Sun is in opposition to the Moon, which means the Sun is straight across from the Moon with the Earth in between. Because the Moon reflects light from the Sun, this creates the visual effect of a full Moon from our vantage. On a more spiritual level, the Full Moon is a time to be receptive, to take the light and awareness of spirit into your emotional and physical body. The Full Moon calls us to release stagnant energy—be it self-limiting behaviors or external outdated situations. The light of the moon draws out what needs addressing, and urges us to take action to expel or correct what we are made to face. This light language transmission will attune your emotional energy fields to the full moon energies on the days before, during, and after the full moon event. It will assist you with the processing, release, and closure of emotional issues that may require some extra help. This activation will work in tandem with the incoming full moon energies to create a more targeted emotional clearance and closure. It will also stabilize your emotional and mental bodies if you are particularly sensitive to the full moon energies.

Listening frequency: Listen three times consecutively, once or twice a day, during the 3 days prior to the full moon and 3 days post full moon. Drink some water after listening to the activation to facilitate the flow of information.

Full Moon Blessings.


Every 28-30 days, the moon cycle lands on a new moon. In astrological terms, the new moon is the alignment of the moon and the sun, the start of a new lunar cycle, and a beacon of new beginnings. This is a time in which the lack of the bright moonlight energy leads to moments of self-reflection, goal setting, and planting the seeds for the shifts in your life timeline. This Light Language activation will tune your emotional energy fields to the new moon energies on the days before, during, and after the new moon event. It will assist you with relaxation, setting new intentions, and gaining clarity for the next 28 days. It will also be useful to keep a specific intention in mind as you absorb the light codes.

Listening frequency: Listen three times consecutively, once or twice a day, during the 3 days prior to the new moon and 3 days post new moon. Drink some water after listening to the activation to facilitate the flow of information.

New Moon Blessings.


This Light Language activation will create a more receptive state to the incoming light codes for manifestation and reconnection with your inner Light. It will enhance the integration of the 11:11 master codes (November 11) for deeper intuition, thought-to-action creation, and access to a higher timeline.

Listening frequency: Three times a day, during the three days before and three days after the 11:11 portal. Drink a glass of water after each time you listen to the activation to facilitate the flow of information.



Since antiquity, the number 12 has had major importance in different cultures for many reasons that range from numerological, mathematical, archetypal, and spiritual. Our yearly calendar year is divided into 12 months, the hours of the clock are divided into 12 hours, and there are 12 zodiacal signs in both the Western and Chinese zodiac. Twelve is made up of a one and a two. In numerology, the number one correlates to independence, individuality, initiation, and new beginnings. The number two is all about sensitivity, cooperation, and patience. But most importantly, the numerology of 12 is three, 1+2=3, and here’s where the Trinity codes reside. The word “trinity” is often associated with religion, but it has much broader implications. The number three is considered the perfect number, the unifier of dualities, the key to the integration process. Human beings are three-fold in nature: body, mind and spirit. Number 3 also represents the creation of the union of the Divine masculine and the Divine feminine. Think of triads as well, like beginning, middle and end; past, present future; birth, life, and death, our sacred lives are embedded with the trinity light codes. Christianity puts forth a sacred Trinity of father, son, and holy spirit, while other ancient cultures venerated the maiden, mother and crone. The number 3 appears in the Sumerian lore of Innana rising from the dead after 3 days and 3 nights in the Underworld, and in the Bible, where Jesus rose after 3 days in the tomb. The natural world is full of 3 cycles, from the waxing, full and waning moon, to the movement of the sun, creating dawn, noon, and dusk.

During the month of December, we will be navigating through several Trinity energy portals, some will be subtler while others will be more intense. Here’s a list of all the Trinity gateways for this month:


Fractal portals (primary and/or secondary) are energy ripples triggered by the main portal, 12/12 in the case. The light codes of the fractal portals are related to the main portal but hold their own unique vibrations. You can envision each fractal portal as different lighter hues of the same color.

This Trinity activation can be used throughout the whole month of December on each of the portals listed above. Working with this transmission will help you to reconnect with your own trinity energy. It will create a resonant field between your body, mind, and soul; it will reawaken the Divine nature of your being as a sacred creation; it will balance your Divine masculine and Divine feminine energy; and it will assist your whole being to become more attuned to the cycles of life, and therefore creating an openness to the new infinite possibilities for your next year’s timeline.

Listening frequency: Three consecutive times, one to three times a day. Drink some water after listening to this activation to assist the flow of information. You can also listen to this activation to center your enegies during your meditation practice.


WE ARE ONE ♡ Diego E. Berman 2024 Ⓒ

Disclaimer: The information on this website and any information imparted by Diego E. Berman (hereinafter referred to as ‘the author’) in spoken or written form of any kind including digital/electronic media, and/or on live or recorded shows and/or radio and television interviews, is not intended or implied as a substitute for medical advice, nor to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or malady whether physical, emotional, or psychological.

Neither is it intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional. Rather, it is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information based entirely on the research and personal experience and opinion of the author, and information and energy transmitted through the author by spirit and non-physical entities. You may or may not experience anything from the author’s sessions or energy work or products.

Please consult a medical professional if you are experiencing illness, depression, anxiety, mood swings or any concerns whatsoever. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with relevant qualified health care professionals.