Celestial Energies, Divine Connection, LIGHT LANGUAGE, THE 3D TO 5D ACTIVATIONS LIBRARY

New in The 3D to 5D Activations Library: GALACTIC ACTIVATIONS

Dear friends, I hope this quick update finds you well and enjoying all the transmissions in the 3D to 5D Activations Library.

As we close this year, I’m happy to announce that LEVEL III of the Library is already available for you. This Level III: GALACTIC ACTIVATIONS is indeed “one-of-a-kind”. This level was specifically crafted with the guidance of several galactic groups of consciousness as a tool to assist us in the remembering of our cosmic ancestry.

The frequencies contained in the activations of LEVEL III resonate with the high frequencies of interstellar and Divine groups of consciousness. These activations contain frequencies that will awaken your own galactic memories and assist you in comprehending your place in the cosmos. Here, we are working at a much deeper soul and DNA level compared to the previous levels in the library. In this Level, we are moving from self-love to Universal love. 

Level III will take you on a journey, and most likely you will be a different person after working with these activations. Well, not quite a different person, but a more integrated, conscious, and awakened one. In each of the activations you will find information that might be new to you, or perhaps that you’ve heard before somewhere else. However, everything that I am sharing here with you is part of my own personal experience during a more than a decade long journey. Only recently, also through a process of deep inner work, I have begun to open up and talk about these inter dimensional contacts I have had during the last ten years. 

The light codes you will be listening to in Level III all originate from higher vibrational planes of existence. Some activations, as you will see, come from specific groups of consciousness, such as the Arcturians, while others come from different galactic civilizations. All of the light codes embedded in these activations are aligned with Beings of Light who are assisting humanity at this moment of our planetary journey.

The five activations and themes you will find within this Level III of the Library are:

ARCTURIAN BLESSING: This transmission acts as a welcoming prayer, as a protection, and a reconnection between your own energy and soul fields with the energies of the cosmos, as you initiate this journey into your galactic heritage.

REMOVING FEARS FOR INTERDIMENSIONAL CONTACT: This activation will facilitate the remembering process by lifting any recent and old fears that may be acting as barriers in your inter dimensional communication process. This transmission will also assist in opening your heart chakra for reconnection and heart-based communication.

STARSEED DNA ACTIVATION: This activation will specifically awaken those starseed DNA sequences within you. This transmission will act like a switch, it will start turning on, step by step, the information laying dormant within you.

GALACTIC HERITAGE: This activation will connect you with your closest galactic family, or the one you need to connect with at this moment to move forward in your evolutionary journey.

DIVINE LIGHT CONSCIOUSNESS: This very high frequency activation will create a direct conduit within your energy fields to this Divine consciousness. In other words, we are awakening the Divine aspects within yourself. The objective of this transmission is to help you remember that Divine Light is part of who you are but also of all the other galactic beings that are part of our galactic ancestry.

It is my hope that these activations will guide your exploratory and awakening journey into your own experiences with your galactic families.

As an exchange, access to this LEVEL III: GALACTIC ACTIVATIONS requires a one-time donation of $33. Once you submit your subscription within the page of Level III, you will be able to create and account and log in to access the content. This one-time donation will grant you “lifetime” access to this Level, including future updates and new activations. Within this Level III you will find enough content for about a month (or more) of deep inner work.

I wish you an amazing journey into your renewed galactic awareness. Be blessed, and have a wonderful end of the year.


WE ARE ONE ♡ Diego E. Berman 2023 Ⓒ

2 thoughts on “New in The 3D to 5D Activations Library: GALACTIC ACTIVATIONS”

  1. Thank you so much, once again, for this beautiful gift! I am looking forward to experiencing this LevelII ~ just reading your descriptions of these activations, brought a smile to my face, especially the Galactic Heritage! I am still working on Level II, and loving it. Thank you Diego!! I love you.

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